How do Planners, Estimators, Buyers & Quantity Surveyors access the Black CSCS card?

Construction Manager

How do Planners, Estimators, Buyers & Quantity Surveyors access the Black CSCS card?

There are a number of Planners, Quantity Surveyors, Estimators and Buyers in the construction industry that are unaware that high level competence-based qualifications (NVQs) are available for their specific occupation. They’re all aware that academic qualifications exist such as HNC’s, HND’s, Degrees etc and many of them actually hold these qualifications, but is it enough?

The Pearson Level 6 NVQ in Construction Contracting Operations Management is a bachelor degree level qualification that has 5 distinct pathways tailored specifically for Planners, Estimators, Quantity Surveyors, Buyers and General Contractors.

Competence based qualifications (NVQs) are actually viewed by many in the construction industry as having more value than academic qualifications. Academic qualifications such as degrees are an opportunity to enter an industry and whilst the achievement of such a qualification is recommended, an individual can achieve a construction-related degree having never actually experienced a live construction site.

Most hold the White Academically Qualified Person (AQP) CSCS card to prove that they know the theory, but they also want the competence-based qualification and the Black CSCS card to back it up.

The NVQ 6 in Construction Contracting Operations which leads to the Black CSCS card is comparable to a Bachelors Degree and confirms the skills, knowledge and experience of an individual that has been gained over time in a real construction environment.

CADUK are specialists in the delivery of this qualification and most of our Assessors and Internal Verifiers at levels 6 are Members or Fellows of The Chartered institute of Building (CIOB).

If you would like to explore the benefits of competence-based qualifications, please give us a call us on (01952) 287 366.

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