Health and Safety (Black CSCS Card) Qualifications

Health and Safety Qualifications (Black CSCS card)

Our Health and Safety qualifications are accessible to candidates from a variety of sectors including Energy, Oil & Gas, Retail, Corporate Business and Construction.

Completion of these qualifications provides access to Certified Membership of IOSH (CertIOSH).

Candidates in the Construcction sector will also have access to a CSCS Black card and Membership of The Chartered Institute of Building (MCIOB) through the Full Professional Review.

These qualifications are assessed online, in your own time and therefore are the perfect choice for health and safety professionals who wish to gain a high level qualifications while continuing to hold a demanding role. 

Steps to apply

Submit an application
Send us a completed profile tool for your chosen qualification
Speak with an assessor
An assessor will call you to ensure the qualification is achievable
Start at any time
Once you're approved, you can start right away!

Click an image below for more information:

Our Health and Safety Qualifications

Frequently asked questions

Are these qualifications exam-based?

No, the assessment process of these health and safety qualifications isn’t about exams or going ‘back to school’, it’s a confirmation that you’re already doing the job competently.

In a nutshell, you’re simply telling your assessor how you carry out your role and showing them the evidence (documents, photos, videos) that proves it.

How does the actual assessment work?

The assessment process is really a ‘tell me, show me’ exercise. First you will tell your assessor how you carry out a particular task, then you show them the evidence the proves your statement.

It goes something like this:

Assessor: “can you tell me how you promote a culture of health, safety and welfare to people within the organisation?”

Learner:We induct all staff upon joining one of our projects. The induction clearly explains our expectations and high standards in H&S. Following the presentation are a suite of H&S Awareness videos which aim to demonstrate how conduct our day-to-day operations.” 

Assessor: “Ok, can you expand on the content of the videos you mentioned?”

Learner: “They cover our key risk areas such as working at height, manual handling and general site safety.” 

Assessor: “Can you show me the supporting evidence for this?”

Learner: “Sure, here’s an induction from the project we’re on now, and here are the links to the H&S awareness videos.” 

Assessor: “Great, I’m happy with that”

It really is that simple, provided that you’re competently doing the job and have the evidence to prove it, you can complete the qualification.

Is there any written work involved?

Typically our health and safety qualifications are assessed primarily through a “professional discussion” style assessment with no written work.

We also have the option to complete these qualifications via a more traditional written-work based approach (online via our online ePortfolio portal) for those that prefer this style over the discussion-based assessment.

What sort of evidence is required?

Evidence will vary greatly depending on the specific qualification and level, but (as a guideline) examples of evidence required for these health and safety qualifications could include (but is not limited to):

    • Health and safety audits
    • Action plans
    • Health and safety policy
    • Accident reporting procedure
    • Meeting minutes
    • Emails
    • Safety notices
    • Risk register
    • Emergency procedures
    • Project team meeting minutes
    • Photographs
    • CPD records
    • Videos
Who will be my assessor?

All of our assessors hold either GradIOSH or CMIOSH status and are highly experienced, qualified health and safety professionals who have ‘done the job’ themselves and are therefore in a position to add real value to your qualification.

We carefully select a particular assessor for each individual learner to ensure that your workplace experiences are aligned and that the feedback and guidance provided is useful, relevant and rewarding.

How long does it typically take?

Achievement of these qualifications is largely down to the level of the candidate’s experience, as well as their motivation and commitment to the process.

We provide support for a period of 12 months from the date of registration, however these qualifications are realistically achievable in 1-3 months given the appropriate focus and time from the learner.

How do these qualifications compare to NEBOSH Diploma?

The NEBOSH National Diploma course is for those that want to become a health and safety practitioner through a programme of learning. The course is typically delivered via the traditional classroom-based route with a combined total of 35 days classroom study and approximately 234 hours of private study and background reading, taken at a pace to suit up to a maximum of 5 years. 

There are no formal entry requirements, however it is recommended that candidates complete the NEBOSH General Certificate prior to undertaking this qualification.

On completion, candidates can apply for GradIOSH (which can ultimately lead to CMIOSH).

The ProQual Level 6 NVQ Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Practice is for those that are already working in a senior/management health and safety role.

Unlike the NEBOSH Diploma, the NVQ isn’t about exams, it’s about recognising the skills, knowledge and experience that a health and safety manager has developed, over time, in a real working environment.

Again there are no entry requirements, however (prior to enrolment) candidates will need to prove to one of our assessors that they have the experience required to be successful on the qualification.

We provide support for a period of 12 months, however experienced, confident health and safety managers can achieve this qualification within 1-3 months depending on their level of commitment to the programme.

On completion, candidates can apply for GradIOSH (which can ultimately lead to CMIOSH). Construction-based candidates also have access to the Black CSCS card and Membership of The Chartered Institute of Building (MCIOB).

What's involved in the CertIOSH application?

First you’ll join IOSH as an Affiliate Member at a cost of £198 (£140 membership fees + £58 joining fee).

You’ll then need to send an up-to-date CV and your ProQual Level 6 or 7 NVQ/Diploma certificate of achievement to the IOSH membership team for review.

Once accepted you’ll be able to showcase your achievements of being a Certified Member by using the post-nominal letters CertIOSH after your name:

John Smith CertIOSH

*Prices and information valid at the time of writing (Feb 2022) but could be subject to change before this website is updated, please use as a guide only.

How do I progress from CertIOSH to CMIOSH?

Once you’re a Certified Member you should reach Chartered status within five years of entering the category.

Once enrolled on the Initial Professional Development (IPD) scheme, you will be assessed to see if you meet the standards to become a Chartered Member.

Alongside IPD, you are also required to maintain your CPD record.

The video below explains the IPD process in more detail:

What is IOSH?

The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is the Chartered body for health and safety professionals; aiming to raise standards and regulate the profession. It acts as a champion, supporter, adviser, advocate and trainer for those who protect the safety, health and wellbeing of others.

As the world’s biggest professional health and safety membership organisation, IOSH are the voice of the profession, campaigning on issues that affect millions of working people.

With more than 42,000 members in 85 countries, IOSH are the biggest professional body for health and safety in the world. IOSH operates in organisations in every sector of the economy, advising directors and managers on protecting millions of working people.

Why should I join IOSH?

As an Occupational health and safety professional, you’re interested in safety, health and wellbeing at work because you’re passionate about protecting people. You understand it’s not just about checklists and compliance, it’s about embedding a safe working culture, putting people at the heart of safety and health and making a positive impact.

Join IOSH and be part of an active and respected community of like-minded people, sharing in the specialist knowledge and expertise of occupational safety and health professionals across the world.

Our health and safety qualifications provide access to IOSH Certified Membership which enables successful candidates to use the following post-nominal letters after their name:

John Smith CertIOSH

Speedy Services
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I cannot rate CADUK highly enough. High quality service, excellent online portal and great input and support from everyone I've dealt with in the team. I've had poor experiences from other providers and formats before finding CADUK. I've completed the Level 6 NVQ Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Practice and learnt a lot. I highly recommend CADUK - worth every penny!
Liam Walters
Liam Walters
King & Moffatt Building Services
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I achieved my NVQ Level 6 in Health and Safety through CADUK. My assessor has been fantastic in helping me complete this qualification (and the previous Level 6 NVQ in Construction Contracting Operations that I achieved with them last year). I would recommend CADUK to all, they are the best in the business at what they do!
Nigel Banks GradIOSH
Nigel Banks GradIOSH
Safety In Projects Ltd
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I couldn't have asked for more from an exceptional company CADUK and the assessor for helping me achieve the Level 6 NVQ in Occupational Health and Safety Practice. I strongly recommend them for communication, time and value for money. Brilliant!
Terry Reynolds MCIOB GradIOSH
Terry Reynolds MCIOB GradIOSH
Director - CTC Building Services
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I completed my NVQ L6 in Occupational Health and Safety to allow me entry to gain my GradIOSH. My assessor was approachable and very easy to talk to, and the format was exceptional. If you are looking for career progression. friendly advice or simply recognition for your commitment to the industry then CADUK are the people to talk to.
Nick Wright MCIOB GradIOSH
Nick Wright MCIOB GradIOSH
Secure Construct
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I completed the NVQ6 with CADUK and found the whole process well managed and straightforward. Easy to apply, and the portfolio system allows you to work seamlessly across a number of platforms. Good support and communications throughout from the team at CADUK and the assigned tutor for your course. A great experience and highly recommended for anyone trying to balance study with a full time role.
Daniel Devaney
Daniel Devaney
BAE Systems
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I completed the NVQ Level 6 Diploma in Health and Safety Practice. From start to finish the team at CADUK were amazing, very professional and my assessor's approach was refreshing, making the Diploma an easy undertaking whilst still managing work and family commitments. I would highly recommend the company and the people.
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